Create Beautiful Screenshot Training Guides Effortlessly

Click the arrows below to view a sample guide we created for a fictional company named Vision to train their employees to use Oracle Cloud Applications

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Add Text or Blur

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Export to Word or Mp4

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Embed or Share Link

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30-Day Free trial

How It Works

Step 1: Start Recording

Install the chrome extension and Start Recording to automatically capture a screenshot on every click

Step 2: Update Text and Design

Add text to each slide, blur private information, and change colors

Step 3: Export, Embed, or Share

Export as a Word Document or Video slideshow, or share a link to view the guide directly on

How it works image


Kiss the Print Screen button goodbye!

Stop procrastinating and start creating those user guides. Let WorkStreamer take the screenshots for you. You just click Start, browse the web, then click Stop. In seconds you have all your screenshots.

Edit Your Guide
Sharing Your Guide

Impress Your Clients and Teams with Beautiful Training Guides

Easily share your guide with your team or deliver to the client as a Word document, a video slideshow, or a link to an interactive slideshow.

Deliver Massive Value
Easily and Rapidly

Make a good impression with your colleagues or your client by delivering high quality user guides. Each guide will look professional and serve as a valuable training asset for the organization, with you as the author.

Word Document Screenshot Guide

Rapidly Create Training Guides for Your Clients or Teams

WorkStreamer Guide will help you create valuable user guides in seconds.

Try WorkStreamer Guide for Free

Simplify It

Use the Chrome extension to automatically capture screenshots of every webpage.

Brand It

A colored text bubble is automatically added to every screenshot, right where you clicked, which can be updated with your company colors.

Blur It

Easily blur any personal information on each screenshot.

Group It

Group similar guides together into a tutorial to easily share all at once.

Share It

Publish each guide publicly or with password protection so others can easily view it.

Export It

Save as a MP4 video slideshow or a MS Word document and upload to your company training portal.